Friday, April 1, 2011

For me, the material regarding the Hmong women and their struggles to integrate Hmong culture into American society, as well as other Asian American women’s experiences discussed in this class, have been very encouraging in that they represent minority women using their own agency to find and create solutions to the specific problems they encounter. I think it a very important aspect of the material, because it demonstrates the capabilities of Asian American women. I agree that it would be more efficient if individuals from less oppressed groups of society took charge of these endeavors, but I think it defeats the purpose and only addresses the specific problem and not the entire system of oppression. By providing opportunities for themselves, Asian American women are demonstrating their capacity to lead, accomplish their goals and make a difference. To me that is a direct challenge to the global power structure since it demonstrates the power of these women who fight through a system that labels them as powerless. I don’t propose that this approach will provide immediate success, but I think by increasing the amount of similar efforts and the level of recognition for such efforts will amplify their efficiency.

1 comment:

  1. I think you make some very logical points. Before this class, I never seriously thought that being an Asian American woman was the primary source of some women's struggles. I think this can sometimes be overlooked especially because Asians are considered the "model minority." However, I agree with you that Asian American women are very capable and it is encouraging that they create solutions to their problems. Although it is true that a white woman may see more results, that is not the point. Asian American women have the power to make a difference and it is more effective for them to take matters into their own hands because it shows their capabilities. This proves to society that they have power and determination. Like you said, eventually they will be recognized for their efforts and it will be reflected in the results.
