I also found Xiaolan Bao’s “Politicizing Motherhood” article to be a lot more empowering for Asian American women than most of the articles that we have read. However, I have a somewhat different opinion on the fact that the garment workers did not get as much as they needed. Rather than a failing of the group at lobbying for their needs – which they did extremely well considering the circumstances – I see the failing on the side of the union leaders. Those leaders saw this issue as finished when they gave the activists “what they wanted” – a daycare center. It would have been very difficult for the garment workers to have forced the issue after having gotten the daycare there, since the union leaders would have spun the issue so that the garment workers would have seemed ungrateful. That might have lost them the popular support of people not in their community.
Regarding Odona’s article “Asian Lesbians in San Francisco,” while I understand the problems that led various interest groups such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to become separatist, I still do not quite understand how their goals became so separate that they excluded others while preaching tolerance. All of these groups want inclusion, or at least say so, and yet they push away others with the same goal.
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